Mon 27 Jan
New Exotic Dominican Goddess 100% Real Ready for Fun 40$ Special 510-393-4911 - 19
(Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Military Highwa)
💋Try Me👅💦 ready to suck the MOON from the sky 🌃~TaTtooEd vixen sexy bbw~* 💋🍆💦 - 20
(Richmond, Willis rd incall)
✦ SwEeT N' PLaYFuL ✦ { BRUNETTE} dOLL! ✦ AvAiLaBLe [[NOW]] ✦ - 20
(Richmond, incall specials. W broad st)
💋!!❤Sweet, with very nice ASSETS!! Well-reviewed provider!❤236372 💋 - 21
(Charlottesville, staunton/harrisonburg/surrounding!)
Tasty mix treat here ONLY FOR TONIGHT dont miss out! $80 hhr special - 19
(Richmond, incall Richmond airport area)
Super Sexy Curvaceous Dominican & Black Goddess, INBOUND & OUTBOUND, Ready To Please, Call Me Now $ - 21
(Virginia Beach, Virginia beach Ptown Norfolk)
Submissive💝💝, Kinky👅👅, and A Perfect Love Slave! Bella Throats💋💋, is all Yours - 25
(Richmond, Hull Street Rd/outcalls available)
SPECIALS, INcall & OUTcall, Dominican & Black Curvaceous Gorgeous Goddess- CLEAN & PRETTY, Call Me $ - 21
(Richmond, Richmond & Surrounding Areas)
🌸🌸🌸 Sexy Well Reviewed 🌸🌸🌸BBW Now!🌸🌸🌸 NEW PICS 🌸🌸🌸Clean Fun Classy REAL 🌸🌸🌸 - 22
(Virginia Beach, Virginia beach/Norfolk)
💋💋❤ 💋💋❤ SEXY SEXY SEXY ❤ 💋💋❤ 💋💋 Outcalls Only ❤ 💋💋❤ 💋💋 Credit Card Accepted - 24
(Charlottesville, Fredericksburg, Richmond, VA,DC,MD)
SExy K i N K Y FREAk BOOTY & BrA!Nz BoDy InSaNe $1OO L0@D-BU$T - 23
(Virginia Beach, Shore Dr Great Neck & N Hampton blvd)
S ▬✨💋 ▬▬ T ▬✨💋 ▬▬ U ▬▬✨💋 ▬▬ N ▬✨💋 ▬▬ N ▬▬✨💋 ▬▬❗▬▬✨💋 ▬▬ N ▬▬✨💋 ▬▬ - 23
(Richmond, ☏ ☏ ☏ CHERISH 804.496.8275 ☏ ☏ ☏)
*** PR3TTY N" TH@ FaCe THiCk F@T AZZ* F@T*LiKe... WOW*SUP@ Fre@k* - 21
(Richmond, Bells rd. EXT($40specials)In/out)
★ *-R3ADY (())R N(( ★ ))T H3R3 I C(())M3 - * ★ ( t specials) ★ - 21
(Richmond, ★ Colonial Heights ★)
$pecial$...that boriqua....I'm back 1 night only... - 25
(downtown Richmond upscale location, Richmond)
🏁NØ RUSH 💥NØ FUSS 💥NO Regrets🏁 👉💦💦👈 IN CALLS 🏁Natural💥Thickness 💥New In Town🏁 - 28 - 28
(midlothian trnpke/ south, Richmond)
New California Asian Doll Ready To Please Your Every Need - 19
(Virginia Beach, Norfolk/Military Hwy/Va Beach)
New IN TOWN ♥—————• ( Gorgeous ) • —————♥ HoT & WilD ▃▅▆ GIRL ▆▅▃ 80 100 150 - 22
(Fredericksburg, Incall)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ NEW NEW Japanese ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ Sunny Just Arrive Incall ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ 804-502-8542 Busty Friendly - 22
(Hampton, Hampton - Coliseum - 8045028542)
New Dominican💓💓💓🍒🍒🍒🍦 💲 60qv 💲💲100 hh💲 Special!!!!!! - 19
(Norfolk, NORFOLK/ Chesapeake/Virginia Beach)
SWeeT ☆★ J U I C Y GorGeous Exrotic, PetIte Allow me to pamper you ☑ No RusH ☑ No Fuss Just Us! - 20
(Richmond, Richmond, in/0ut)
🌸 specials!! 🌸 ➓ ☆➓ ╚» SexY E✖ΘTiC ❥ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C E ★100%REAL★ - 21
(Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg incalls)
Sunday $PeCI@L$!! Need Me To Help You Relax Your Mind, Body, And Soul!!! C@ll Right Now! - - 25
★【†ħε Southern ßoy's #❶ Cho¡cε】 ★ 【 Aℓℓ Amεяίcαη Southern ßεαu†ies】 ★ WELCOME HOME BOYZ!!! - 22
(Chesapeake, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Entire Hampton Roads Area)
NeW & HoT ((ONE)) OF- A-KiND!! ♥★ 2 GiRl SpEcIaLs 👯 ★❤Mouth 💦👅 Watering💋 Skills💎 - 21
♥♡ Mandy* is* back and ready to play ♡♥ Dont be shy... let me rock your world!!!! ♡♥ - 21
(Danville, Martinsville)
🎀 MESMERIZING SHAPE (*actual Photo's ) All Natural Figure DD tits & Amazing Plump Axx🎀 - 25
(Richmond, DOWNTOWN RICHMOND (Independent Provider))
Thick& Juicy In All The Right Places Are U Ready To Play With Me I Promise U Will Come Back 4 More - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk /VA Beach)
L∅∅k§❤ ▃▆▓❤▓▆▃ G∅∅D ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ F££Ls ▆▓❤ ▓▆▃ B£tt£R ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ HOT ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ UPSCALE ▃▆▓▓❤▓▓▆▃ - - 21
(Chesapeake, Entire Hampton Roads Area)
Today's special QV's & HH CALL now if you need a quick getaway hmu INCALLS ONLY - 20
(Virginia Beach, Va Beach)
**LOok no fuRther🌸PetiTe MiXEd BarbiE 🌸 SweEt tReat sUre tO knOck yOu oFf yOur feEt!!** - 21
.....THE TRUE DEFINITION OF A BIG B.O.O.T.Y ..... $$$ 60 ONLY TODAY.... - 23
(Richmond, Richmond,VA IN&OUTCALLS;)
★☆ ☎ *Tequila & Hennessy *Pick 1 or Have Us ☎ ★☆ ✈ In & Outcall ✈ ★☆ New👯 girls ★☆ 100% Fun 2Girls - 20
(Virginia Beach, QV 150 Specials Call Now)
Seven City Escorts Where the girls are sweet as heaven but bad as hell - 25
(Newport News, Serving the entire seven cities)
RazzBerri *LasT DaY 100 specials hh♛• *iM sOOO ^! SEXY * *FLaWLeSs* •♛• - 30
(Richmond, by the airport)
Not Just A Service Its A Experience! Dollfaced American bUSTY bLONDE - 1oo Specials
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, OUTCALL ONLY - Affordable Rates)
°o♥o° BeTcHa ++ CanT HaVe ++ JuSt ONE!!! °o♥o° MiLiTaRy SPECIALS!!! - 21
(Richmond, Colonial Heights)
NEW In Town Sexxy Sophie and Salina AVAILABLE NOW $ CALL/TEXT NOW 24/7 - 19
(Chesapeake, near Norfolk)