Mon 27 Jan
♥%♡%♥%♡%♥%♡Come & Let Me Fulfill Your Dreams ♡%♥%♡%♥%♡%♥ - 24
(Virginia Beach, Va Beach/Holland Rd/Rosemont/Town Center)
Special$$$♥ PUT * ME * ON ♥ YOUR ~*♥*~ TO * DO *LIST ** TS ANGEL **💋✨❌⭕ THIS 🔥🔥🔥GURL 🔥🔥 IS 🔥 - 24
(Richmond, southsideRichmond)
🍒🌹💋❤️ The Ultimate Fulfillment from a Special Visitor❤️💋🌹🍒 917-426-1705 Call Today 💕💕 - 23
(Fredericksburg, Route 17/ Warrenton rd)
You Can't Go Wrong With A Thick Juicy Chocolate Girl We Get The Job Done - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk /Va Beach)
Who's Creeping With Me It's Raining Outside I Love To Play In The Rain - 21
(Virginia Beach, Norfolk /Va Beach)
You Can't Go Wrong With A Thick Juicy Chocolate Girl We Get The Job Done - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk /Va Beach)
Sinful SinSations is the most elite adult entertainment service in Hampton Roads - 25
(Norfolk, Out Call Only!!!!)
You Can't Go Wrong With A Thick Juicy Chocolate Girl We Get The Job Done - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk /Va Beach)
WaNnA tRy SoMeTh¡Ng NeW n N@UgHtY.. . TRuCKeRS WELComE .. ...EaRlY bIrD or LaTe NiGhT - 22
(Fredericksburg, fburg)
You Can't Go Wrong With A Thick Juicy Chocolate Girl We Get The Job Done - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk /Va Beach)
super bowl have it ur way all day 60 incall spc with the green eyes mixed beauty Amber - 19
(Newport News, williamsburg incalls only)
NEW! UPSCALE, CLASSY, Nonrush Very Erotic Pro. Please see My Website - 25
(Fredericksburg, Richmond, Richmond (w. broad))
♥ Sexy Hott ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i ve $ Specials$ - 25
(Norfolk, Norfolk Chesapeake Virginia Beach)
Sultry Shemale Stylist! Lingerie Haircut& Massage Temptress Transexual You try to resist but can't!! - 32
(Harrisonburg, STAUNTON VA exit 222/I81 worth the drive)
✦ SwEeT N' PLaYFuL ✦ { BRUNETTE} dOLL! ✦ AvAiLaBLe [[NOW]] ✦ - 20
(Richmond, incall specials. W broad st)
Thick& Juicy In All The Right Places Are U Ready To Play With Me I Promise U Will Come Back 4 More - 21
(Norfolk, Norfolk /VA Beach)
Sexy Cream filled Latina Goddess Specials 30/100 specials - 22
southern belle bombshells real girl with a hot white TS double your pleasure double your fun - 28
(Virginia Beach, Chesapeake Indian River battlefieldl)
Tall and Slim Come Treat yourself With my Hands Hot Offer!!! w/Table - 24
(Virginia Beach, Norfolk/vabeach)
***RELEASE THE FIREWORKS- Come Relax Your Mind and Body from Stress *** tantalizing experience - 35
(Virginia Beach, Newtown Rd & Diamond Springs)
DEEP TISSUE BODY RUBS by lingerie/fetish model ,COVER GIRL and experienced masseuse - KELLEY - 90
(Chesapeake, Hampton, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, va beach/norfolk)
❤ ❤ Freshly Grand Opening & Holiday Specials!!! ♛♛ Massage Me❤ (General Booth Blvd. & Dam Neck Rd. ) - 27
(Virginia Beach, General Booth Blvd. & Dam Neck Rd.)
💋❤💋 $10/offGrand Opening💋—N-E-W _ ASIAN MASSAGE ——New Girls— *★*—Free table shower——(757)-409-6555—— - 24
(Norfolk, 5040 E/ prin cess anne road norfolk)
Sun 26 Jan
°o♥o° $50 & $80 iNCaLL ToNiGHT °o♥o° DouBLe Ur FuN! $200 °o♥o° - 25
(Richmond, South Richmond, Janhke & Forest Hill)
♔PLeASuRE PRiNcEsS♔ _ SiMpLY AmAZiNg _ CUtE aS A bUtToN _ S WeET aS PiE _ ☆$50 Incalls Only - 22
(Richmond, Colonial Heights,Petersburg,Tri-City)
♔PLeASuRE PRiNcEsS♔ _ SiMpLY AmAZiNg _ CUtE aS A bUtToN _ S WeET aS PiE _ ☆$40 Incalls Only - 22
(Richmond, Colonial Heights,Petersburg,Tri-City)
°o♥o°• CoMe aWaY WiTH Me oR DouBLe YouR FuN °o♥o°• $60 IncAlL SPeCiaLS!! °o♥o° CaLL 4 DeTaiLS!!! - 25
°o♥o° BaCK FoR a FeW DaYS $50 to $80 SPeCiaLS!!! $150 OUtcAlL °o♥o° DouBLe Ur FuN! $200 °o♥o° - 25
(Richmond, South Richmond, Janhke & Forest Hill)
°o♥o°• LaTe NiTe OUt cAll SPeCiaLS °o♥o°• RaiNY DaY SPeCiaLS • °o♥o° CaLL 4 DeTaiLS!!! - 25
(Richmond, Bells Rd South side)
《♥》 NEW SWEET TREAT《♥》SeXy ☆ BLoNDE ☆ PeTiTE ☆ BeAuTy 《♥》Call Kalina for a great time《♥》 - 25
(Richmond, Cox Rd, W broad, UPSCALE LOCATION)
°o♥o°• XoXo Last month • °o♥o°• ArE U GoiNG 2 MiSS Me? • °o♥o° SPeCiaLS - 25
(Richmond, Midlothian Tnpk & Chippenham Pkwy In/OuT)
°o♥o°• LaTe NiTe & EArlY bIrd iN CaLL °o♥o°• RaiNY DaY SPeCiaLS • °o♥o° CaLL 4 DeTaiLS!!! - 25
(Richmond, South side, Midlo Tnpk)
NEW!! Sexy 50$ Specials .. *Sexy Bonita Chica* Erotic Latin Playmate** Lets get Freaky - 22
Never before seen! Midwestern Beauty" Andrea Davis" Visiting Now! Highly Reviewed! - 26
(Richmond, Links to Reviews on Website!)
°o♥o° iNCaLL $50 to $80 SPeCiaLS!!! $150 OUtcAlL °o♥o° DouBLe Ur FuN! $200 °o♥o° - 25
(Richmond, South Richmond, Janhke & Forest Hill)
°o♥o°• STaRT YouR WeeK ouT RiGHT SPeCiaLS °o♥o°• ThE MouTH PIecE • °o♥o° CaLL 4 DeTaiLS!!! - 25
(Richmond, Bells Rd South side)
New in town. Upscale Blonde !!!! Candy❤️❤️💕💕 - 28
(Chesapeake, Fredericksburg, Norfolk, Richmond, Virginia Beach)
mixed chyna doll with amazing skills & all day incall specials so call now - 20
(Richmond, peterburg/95 INCALLS ONLY)
Mollie is back $10o $pecial all day 24/7 dnt ask for 40-60$ specials i dnt do that - 20
(Richmond, midlo, @££ roads traveled)
*** ((New New))Amazing And Extremely ***`Gorgeous`*!!Don`t Miss Out!!!80Qvk. - 20
(Richmond, Richmond-South TRI-City)
-**MOrNinG FreaK⭐️⭐️ Miami FINEST ((PeTiTE))HOTTIE 🔥🔥🔥Exotic Freak🌹INSHAPE BarBie! (Incalls Only) - 24
(Richmond, SandTon Airport prvt INCALLS)
⎷⎛ COME LET this HOT WOMAN bring the BEAST OUT IN YOU! ⎷⎛ MILITY SP - 39
(Virginia Beach, Norfolk/VB)
Maqically D E L I C I O U S 💋💋S Crater RdPETERSBURG Va. - 20
(Richmond, Petersburg VA/S Crater RD /)
Looking for a great way to end your weekend no problem!!! Funny Sexy Smart!!! Outcalls Ava!!!Best@@@ - 23
(Richmond, downtown)